Movistar suspende roaming internacional

La multinacional de telecomunicaciones Telefónica (Movistar) dejó de ofrecer el servicio en Venezuela alegando que ha tenido dificultades para "cumplir sus compromisos con operadoras internacionales, debido a que a la fecha no dispone de las divisas requeridas", según indicó la empresa en un comunicado.

“Nos hemos visto en la necesidad de suspender temporalmente el servicio de roaming internacional con algunas operadoras en varios destinos”, continúa el comunicado. Movistar invita a sus abonados a visitar su página web para saber cuáles son los destinos que aún mantienen el servicio.

Recientemente, Movistar señaló que aún espera repatriar desde Venezuela 1.800 millones de dólares por concepto de dividendos obtenidos en los últimos años.


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Blame article Hai Xuanfeng will decide number one goal 25 million seize Italian Jin Tong, international football, meaning armour, youwentusi, football news, 7m sports news
Especially article Hai Xuanfeng will decide number one goal 25 million seize Italy Jin On March 15, 2011 origin: Time of Tecent sports Beijing on March 15 before dawn, according toItaly" Itasportpress " message, You WenPreparation introduces a puissant archer in this summer, in order to prop up the sharp edge line of team, SangqiesiIt is the first choice of zebra army group, but if cannot be delayed,pull Chile C collect, you Wen will be begged with 25 million euro buyBiliyaleiyaerItalian nation baseAdmire of bright red a place of strategic importance - Luo Xi.
YouwentusiStagger in this sports season walking, sharp edge it is one of main factors feebly, Boast Li Yalei is pulledGet hurt, In A woolHire outside, PiyeluoAlready no longer young, zebra army group can search temporarily in winter onlyTonyAndMateliLash-up. But this is not long after all plan, in this summer, introduce a true puissant archer, it is first class important matter of You Wen.
The closest period of time, you Wen turns Maluoda is in meeting tycoon to run actively all the time, this sports season is inWudineisiBright red big violet " Chile C collect " the number one target that Sangqiesi is You Wen, but in guest field7-0SlaughterBurrough notin the match alone in 4 yuan hind, his social status has risen at least 35 million euro, and still have eye covetously of much home rich and powerful family. Accordingly, maluoda also listedWujiniji, a few equipment choosing such as Jiameiluo.
Italy " Itasportpress " today's message says, if You Wen cannot get Sangqiesi, will buy effectiveness with all one's strength base of 24 years old of Italy nationsAdmire of bright red a place of strategic importance - Luo Xi, although have " Xin Jintong " the new contract that the Luo Xi that say just signed below one to expired 2016 with maize submarine January this year, dan Youwen is willing to pay 25 million euro for Luo Xi in the summer, this turns comparative Liyaleiyaer has membership fee not small allure.
It is Luo Xi of 24 years old, yesGroup of youth of handkerchief Er horseThe outstanding and young player of one's previous experience, in he is that 18 years old years, Graceful coupletthe talent that ball explore discovered to he goes up personally, be in nevertheless old Telafude, luo Xi did not get Ferguson's regard highly, be leased early or lateNiukasierWith Paerma. Spring 2007, he joins in with 10 million euro Biliyaleiyaer, become brunt sharp edge quickly will, 4 sports season come on the stage 163 times for team infiltrated 70 score a goal. Depend on swift and violent growing impetus, inItalian nation groupHe also has very outstanding show, media thinks he is blue coating army group " Xin Jintong " .
To Luo Xi, youwentusi is holding close attention all the time. Be in early Spring 2009, chairman You Wen is auspicious express publicly to will buy Luo Xi, meaning media comes out zebra army group will be used 18 million +Teleize is builtMove submarine. You Wen name is old Anasidaxi also suggests zebra army group buys Luo Xi, "If say to have a player, his characteristic most if resembling me, the admire of bright red a place of strategic importance that he is Biliyaleiyaer - Luo Xi, I suggest Youwentusi signs him. I suggest Youwentusi signs him..
In fact, to stand firm in Italian nation group, admire of bright red a place of strategic importance - Luo Xi also returns Italy to develop of [url=]jordans for cheap[/url] purpose, last month withGerman teamafter friendship be better than, this Italian nation base of 24 years old says: "Although my mother tongue is English, but I more feeling him is an Italian. Italy is my the 2nd birthplace, I want to return over there kickball. "

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